Winner Package Pricing

Winner Package Pricing

Only the winners are eligible to order a winner package.

Winner packages offer promotional opportunities and benefits to maximize the value of your achievement. The pricing for these packages can vary depending on the winner package materials included.

  1. Rights to use Award Logo :  Winner package is inclusive of Rights to use Award logo, Award name, Winning Title and Announcement details.

  2. Complimentary Gala Entry passes : Winners get an opportunity to attend the gala ceremony and the entry passes will be provided on first come first serve basis

  3. Digital Materials: Customized winner badges, certificates

  4. Physical Winner Package items : Trophies, Plaques, Medals & Stickers

  5. Online Exposure: Winner packages may include featured listings on the awarding organization's website, social media platforms. These online placements can boost your visibility and drive traffic to your website.

  6. Promotional Opportunities: Some winner packages provide opportunities for speaking engagements, participation in industry events, or inclusion in mentorship programs. These promotional activities can further establish your expertise and credibility in the field.

Important Notes :
  • ONLY the winners are eligible to order the Winner Package
  • If you participated in the award program and NOT a winner then you can NOT order a winner package.
  • Every nomination MUST go through First level Jury review, Voting and Final Jury Review, Finalists selection to become one of the Winner
  • We do NOT guarantee winning an award if you nominate. 
  • The winner selection is 100% based on our Award Selection procedure / Criteria. 
  • Do NOT approach our team with any monetary benefit / payment to influence the winning chance. We reserve the right to ban / blacklist the company and individuals (CEO, GM, Entrepreneur & etc) from participating in our future award program  for any violation of selection procedure.
  • Please read winner package terms and conditions before ordering winner package.

Choose the package that best suits your needs.



USD 590



USD 1,190


USD 1,650

USD 1,590

Super Deluxe

USD 2,180

USD 1,980


USD 4,790

USD 2,800

Complimentary Gala Ceremony Entry Pass






Featuring on Digital Magazine 1/2 page 1 page 1 page 2 pages 3 pages
Branding in Photowall (during gala ceremony)
Rights to use International Restaurant Awards Logo and Brand in Website and all marketing materials
Winner Trophy - 12 inches (Crystal)
Winner Plaque.A3 Size
Black Acrylic

Gold Color

Gold Color
Winner Medal
Winner Certificate - Digital
Winner Badge - Digital
Winner Email Signature - Digital
Highlighted on Our Awards Home Page
Listing on Winner's Section @ award website
List on Featured Winner's Section
Link to Your Website
Link to your social media platforms
Winner's Speech Video
Facebook - Social Media Post
Instagram - Social Media Post
LinkedIn - Social Media Post